Memory in our Lives – By Marcos (7C)

                                                             Scents and memories

Do you know what memory is? Memory is the mental capacity of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions and of recognizing or remembering past experiences. There are many senses connected to memories and one of them is the sense of smell, which can bring many memories and change the mood or your work performance. Is smell important? Yes, because it is part of evolution and the survival of the fittest for our species in the past.


As reported by Medical Dictionary online, the sense of smell is the ability to perceive and distinguish odors. When someone scents a nostalgic smell, they remember something from the past. Something that moved the person or is familiar.

How can smell improve memories?

Smell is the sense closest linked to memory. Studies proved that people can remember a scent with 65% accuracy after 1 year! Dr. Alan Hirsch, a doctor from Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundations, LTD, has researched about the topic and concluded: “The part of the brain that smells and tastes is part of the emotional brain where our personality lies.”

A personal experience

In my past experiences, my friend’s mouth smelled like milk and I didn’t like it. On the other hand, when I drink milk, I remember this friend that is already in another school.


According to Ambius online, lavender fragrances are used in nursing homes and emergency rooms to calm down patients and worried visitors. Pleasurable fragrances are used in stores, to create  a more pleasant “dwell-time” and make costumers buy more.


Summing up, the sense of smell is essential to our lives. It can change our emotions and bring nostalgic memories. It is important to hospitals as well, because relaxing fragrances can help visitors be patient. In general, smells are useful and necessary to our health and brain.



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