Memories by Fernanda V. (7B)

Memory refers to the  three major processes involved in its function: encoding, storage, and retrieval. From new memories, information must be changed into a usable form, which occurs through the process known asencoding. One information has been successfully encoded, it must be stored in memory for later use. Much of this stored memory lies outside of our awareness most of the time, except when we actually need to use it.

The retrieval process let us bring stored memories into conscious awake.The sense of smell is closely linked and connected with memory that probably more so than any of our other senses.

Those with full olfactory function may be able to think of smells that evoke particular memories; the scent of an orchard in blossom conjuring up recollections of a childhood picnic, for example.

This can often happen spontaneously, with a smell acting as a trigger in recalling a long-forgotten events or experiences.  Marcel Proust, in his ‘Remembrance of all Things Past’, wrote that a bite of a madeleine vividly recalled childhood memories of his aunt giving him the very same cake before going to mass on a Sunday

We have take our sense of smell in our daily lifes for granted, and think we really rely on our eyes and ears. Smell has been an integral part of evolution and survival of the fittest for our species in the past. Although humans rely less now on smell for survival a huge importance is still placed on smell today for taste enjoyment and attracting a partner through use of perfumes.


Online Sources:

Advice Column by Paola G. (7C)

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Dear Year 7 Student,

I have a problem and I need your advice. My family is moving to Russia, but I don’t want to go. We are planning to go in July, but I want to finish my school year here, with my friends. What can I say to persuade them to stay until the end of the year?


Dear Year 9 Student,

In my opinion, you should explain your point of view. Say that you will never have a Stance Dual Year 9 again, moreover you might be able to move to Russia next year. Try to make an agreement with your family that will make everyone happy. Explain yourself and what you feel. Show to your parents what this semester here in Brazil means to you. I hope you can persuade them!


Paola G.

Advice Column by Luiza G. (7C)

friends togetherDear Y7 Student,

I have been having issues with some friends. In these few years I have been in many fights with girls, so I’m completely exhausted and friendless. I mean, I have friends, but I don’t feel I really have someone, because I discovered that most of them are fake; however, there is one, a single girl, who is supporting me when all the others look at me with strange eyes. Yes, it’s sad to feel alone, especially when someone you really trusted proves that she is not a true friend. Could you help me?


Dear Y9 Student,

Hi, I am sorry for your problem, but you can get over it. I will give you some advice that I hope will help you.

First, if I were you, I would stay with this only girl, with this friend of mine who is supporting me. And I would forget the other people that are not nice, who were fake. I mean, if they are not nice, why would I stay with them and try to be their friend again, right?

I hope my advice was helpful to you!

Good luck,

Luiza G.

Advice Column by Maria do Carmo (7C)

Dear Year 7 Student,

I`ve been going through some problems. I was wondering if you could help me. There is a friend of mine who has been changing a lot since my trip back to Brazil. The problem is that I don´t like these changes. She is not the same, my friend. I don`t know if I should talk to her or let time decide everything. Can you please give me some advice?


Dear Year 9 Student,

I know your situation is not easy, but I will do my best to help you solve your problem.

First, I think you should understand that when you spent a time out of Brazil maybe your friend felt a bit alone and started hanging out with other people, and with time got used to staying with them. Now that you are back, maybe she is a bit confused, because she might be thinking that if she stays with you, she will “lose” contact with her other friends. Have you already stopped to think that maybe you have changed in the time you were out of Brazil?

My advice to you is for you two to have a conversation and say what you feel to each other.

Best regards,

Maria do Carmo


Advice Column by Jully K. (7C)




advice column 1

Dear Y7 Student,

I´ve been in this school for 13 years and I´ve always had friends, but this year I have a really big problem: my friends are excluding me and I don´t know what to do. What should I do?



Dear Y9 Student,

Well, I understand what you are feeling, it is a very sad problem, but you can solve this problem on your own.

So, to begin with, I think you can talk to the people who are excluding you and ask what you are doing against them and why they are doing this to you. I think this will work, but if it doesn´t solve the problem, you can look for people who deserve you, who treat you well, who help you in sad situations, etc.

Second, you can ignore the people who are excluding you, because friendships are true, you don´t deserve a friend who treats you badly.

Good luck,

Jully K.


advice column 2







Memory and Smell? Are They Related? by Vicky K. (7B)

Scientists have proved that smell and memory are connected and influence you history.We, students of year 7B, in the second trimester, learned a little bit about how the sense of smell is connected to our memory. But, for us to understand that, first we need to find out what is memory.

What is memory? Memory is what we remember, and what let us learn and adapt from previous experiences. It is our ability to remember past experiences and the process to recall learned facts, impressions, and habits.

How is the sense of smell connected to our memory? Let’s go to the main question, so, how is the sense of smell connected to our memory? The sense of smell is connected to our memory by the brain; they are connected because when you smell something it stays in your memory, if you smell again the same scent and recognize it, is because of your memory that recalls that moment. I interviewed Sandra from dance classes at Stance Dual and she said

I remember my aunt giving me some cake before going to mass on a Sunday.

Why is the sense of smell important? Smell is an important sense as it can alert us to danger like gas leaks, fire or rotten food but it is also vital for survival of most humans and animals as it enables them to track food and water.


Online Sources:

Advice Column by Lara A. (7C)

Lara A image Language 2

Dear Y 7 Student,

A few weeks ago, I had a friend that was a student at Stance Dual School, just like me. However, she left last year, against her will. We both want to keep contact, but we rarely have opportunities to see each other. What should I do?


Dear Y9 Student,

I know exactly what you feel, I had the same problem some years ago.  I felt like going to the country she was and kidnapping her, so I could stay with her. But unfortunately that is not possible and it is crazy too. However, I made new friends. I mean, I  didn´t forget about her and talk to her very often, but I made good friends. What I am saying is: don´t stay trapped in the past, friends come and go, it is normal, of course you got sad at first, but trust me, you will get over it!

Good luck,

Lara A.

Our Memories… We will always remember by Pauline (7B)

What is memory? Our memory is the ability to remember information and past experiences. The word “memory” comes from the Middle English “memorie”, ultimately from the latin “memoria”, meaning mindful and remembering. Memory can also be understood as storage capacity in a computer.

Why do we remember? When we smell something and we memory is activated, small patches on the back of our nose are working. Those are connected to our brain; that is why memory and olfactory system are deeply linked.

“Memory makes us. If we couldn’t recall the who, what, where, and when of our everyday lives, we would never be able to manage life. We mull over ideas in the present with our short-term (or working) memory, while we store past events and learned meanings in our long-term (episodic or semantic) memory.”

Real-Life Memories: One example, thinking of myself, is when I smell the scent of vanilla, red roses and cotton I am reminded me of home in Peru, I don´t know why it reminds me of Peru, but it does.


Online Sources:

A Scent in Your Memory by Lara C. (7B)

Have you ever stopped to think how importat is memory in your life? But then, why is this text dealing with memory if it is all about the smell?

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Do you know what memory is? Memory is what we remember as information and past experiences. It is like a storage of things learned and retained from our activities or experiences.

How does Smell work in relation to our memory? So, when your olfactory receptors are stimulated, they transmit impulses to your brain. This pathway is directly connected to you limbic system, the part of your brain that deals with emotions. The scent of mowed grass, for example, might remind you of a childhood summer holiday just as much as the smell of chocolate chip cookies makes you think of your grandmother.

How smell is important
If you think smell is a really important sense as it can alert us from danger like gas leaks, fire or rotten food it is also closely linked to parts of the brain that process emotion and memory. Unpleasant and bad smells actually send pain signals to the brain warning us of possible danger. As Thalassa Cruso explains:

“The sense os smell can be extraordinarly evocative, bringing back pictures as sharp photographs of scenes that had left the conscious mind”.

Online Sources:

The Secret Between Memory and Smell by Henrique F. (7B)

After many researches, scientists could prove that smell and memory work together.

What is memory and smell? Memory is the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, and impressions, or of recalling and recognizing previous experiences. Scientifically speaking, smell is to perceive the odor or scent through the nose by means of the olfactory nerves.

What if we don’t sense it? Both are very important, for example. If you lose memory you will not remember anything, and if you lose the sense of smell, as it is connected with our other senses, we will have problems with the other senses – except the pain when someone punch your nose!

         Our sense of smell is connected to our memory because when we smell something, we are reminded of people, places, an object or food that were once part of our life.

Real life examples When I was 9 years old, sometimes I could smell something that reminded me of my grandpa’s perfume, so I thought that he was around whenever it happened – but he wasn’t. As Sara Zarr once said:

“When the remembering was done, the forgetting could begin.”


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