I Remember that Smell by Key C. (7B)

Have you ever stopped to think how smell and memory are connected? Or how is that important in our life?


What is memory? There are three big processes involved in memory: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Memory is the process that our brain uses to acquire, store, retain, and when you need retrieve information. To form a new memory first the information needs to be changed to a usable form. When the information is encoded, it needs to be stored in memory to use later. Much of the stored memory is placed outside of our perception most of the time, except when we really need it.

So, what is the connection? The sense of smell is linked with memory, probably more than any of our other senses. When we smell something, normaly, we relate to some memory, example when you find the sense of ocean you problaby will remember of the beach. This can happen any time. According to fifthsense online:

“This can often happen spontaneously, with a smell acting as a trigger in recalling a long-forgotten events or experiences”.

Importance of the Sense of Smell

“Smell has been an integral part of evolution and survival of the fittest for our species in the past.”

As quoted on air-aroma online; smell is really important on our evolution, nowadays smell is important too, we use it a lot for enjoyment or attracting a partner through the use of perfumes. Industries exist as the humans have placed a huge importance on smell. The fragrance industry is now bigger than ever. Fragrances are added to many products as it makes us feel good. Smell is the only sense that affects the memory and emotion part of the brain. If we feel good when we buy a product then we are likely to continue buying it. This is why many companies add fragrances to their products such as soap, cigarettes and washing powder. Even those in the food industry use chemical fragrances known as flavors or aroma to their products. Smell has become increasingly important to us and as a result the industry has responded to these demands.

The Smell of Memory by Eric J. (7B)

You may know smell is connected to memory, but do you know how?

Why is smell important? Smell is vital for most of the animals, it makes us able to detect contaminated water, if there is food nearby, or even help us track mates! Although our sense of smell is not so acute as of other animals, we can detect 10000 different odor molecules.

What is memory? Memory is the sum of what we remember. We can remember one thing or other if we close our eyes, but if we smell something familiar, a flood of smells invades our brains, and that´s because the olfactory bulb has access to the amygdale, which is responsible for emotions.

Remember me dearly. When I smell barbecue sauce, a lot of my memories come around, like my friends and I eating having lunch together; same thing happens when I sense fish, for example. I am sure everyone has at least one scent that reminds them of something, so a tip would be: If you forgot something, try smelling things to remind yourself of the past.

The Memory of Tomorrow by Henrique M. (7B)

Can memory be linked to smell? Scientists concluded that smell can bring a flood of memories to you.

But what is memory, anyway? Memory is what keeps scenes from the past that are connected with smells because that scene can also be remembered by its scent.  This is important because if we didn’t remember the smell of the scene you couldn’t relive it because there would be something missing.

The explanation behind it. A single smell can bring a flood of memories and they can affect the way we live as a person. Because the olfactory bulb it’s close to our brain in the part of memory, we could remember the smell of the scene. Plus, this part of the brain is connected to feelings too; hence, it’s called “emotional brain”.

Examples in real life. An example of how they’re connected is, when you are at home or going to a party and you could sense an aroma that will later remind you of that party or being cozy at home. When you are about to eat something rotten. Before you even began eating its bad smell will warn you and keep you from poisoning yourself. That’s why Oliver Wendell Holmes said:

“ Memories, imagination, old sentiments, and associations are more readily reached through the sense of smell than through any other channel”.

Online Sources:

Smell by Felipe F. (7C)

What is smell?

According to Human Rights online, memory is our ability to encode, or remember experiences of our past.

The olfactory bulb

Conforming to How Stuff Works online, the olfactory bulb has access to our amygdala, which can process emotion and the hippocampus, which is responsible for learning. When you smell a new scent, you link that scent to a person, a place or a feeling. Your brain creates a “bridge” from the smell until your brain. When you smell chlorine in summer at the pool, the next time you smell it you will remember the pool.

When the sense of smell is present

As stated in Air Aroma online, we often take our sense of smell in daily lives for granted and think we really rely on our ears or eyes. Smell is an essential sense for our lives and to the survival of the fittest for our species in the past. Nowadays, humans rely less on smell.

What the smell can feel

As reported by Politec online, smell is our primitive sense and is located in the same part as the emotional and creative part of our head. The smell allows us to identify danger, food, mates and related parts, like perfume on people. In agreement to Medical Dictionary online, smell is the ability to distinguish odors.

Real-life examples

An example of the need of smell in our lives is when a baby wolf is lost on the street and starving, with pain. As a wolf can smell things from miles, it detects his mother’s smell, so it can eat and rest. In consonance with Ambius online, another example of the sense of smell in our lives is when we think of the five senses. Your mind might leap first to your sense of sight and all the visual wonders. For now you might be surprised by the importance of the role the sense of smell has in your everyday decisions, emotions and memories.


Felipe’s memory

When I was in year 1, I remember the day when I cut my mouth and detected the smell of blood. Consequently, when I detect this smell I remember that day, that feeling, that moment and place.

The influence smell has in our lives

According to Ambius online, smell has a great influence on our lives, and  are all connected with our brands. Dr. Allen, a doctor who has conducted many experiments, states that “The part of the brain that smells and tastes is the emotional part”. Smell is essential to our lives, without it we won’t survive.








The Importance of Smell and Memory by Luiz Felipe (7C)

By Luizadorable-squirrel-smelling-flower Felipe


The sense of smell can make you recall a lot of memories, and the memories are reviewing facts, events, and impressions of the experience that you lived. The smell can influence people´s moods and even affect their work performance, and according to How Stuff Works online, “smell can call up memories and powerful responses, almost instantaneously”.

The importance of smell

Smell is vital for survival, as it can alert us of danger, such as when there is a gas leak or a fire, or even when you go to a restaurant and can smell the food and see if it is not rotten.

How memories work

According to How Stuff Works online, “memory labels a diverse set of cognitive capacities by which we retain information and reconstruct past experiences, usually for present purpose.”

A significant memory

Concerning a personal experience, from K2 to year one, we ate at the little restaurant, and all the time I smell the food I remember when I was little and all the days when I went there and could smell the food.


Summing up, smell is really important for our lives. It can warn you of danger and remind you of memories that are also important. Moreover, both can make you have fun, and you can also learn from it. You can even save yourself and other people with the sense of smell, such as when the house is on fire and you know how the smell might warn you.




Memory + Smell = ? – By Luiza G. (7C)


            Memory, what is it? Memory is not that complicated, you can understand how it works if you continue reading this article. You will find how it works, what memory is, and why it is so important.

What is memory?

            To begin with, memory is the ability to encode, store, retain and recall moments, smells that have a meaning to you, or someone that you miss or remember. Also, the way it works starts with a part of the brain called limbic system. Besides, this system is closely connected to our memory, and it controls our mood, memory behavior and emotion.

A true story

            In the same way, there is a story of a girl that suffered an accident; she just gotmemory 2 some burns, a few. She was alone, cooking for herself and forgot to turn off the stove. The paper towels caught on fire, and then the fire started. She was on her living room and smelled the fire. Fortunately, she had time to run from her house.

My favorite Stance Dual memory

            In Stance Dual School, a smell that I remember until today is the scent of my friend´s perfume; however, this friend doesn´t study here anymore. Moreover, the smell of rain reminds me of the school, because when it rains I can feel a humid scent in the air.


            Summing up, the sense of smell is important to us because we can use it in dangerous situations. Smell can affect and transform our lives easily. For example, when we are walking on the street and can detect the smell of a person that we know is dead, we feel sad for the rest of the day. For these reasons, the sense of smell is the most important one, in my opinion.




Jornal Nacional, television program, Globo TV, Brazil, 2015.

The Sense of Smell by Maria do Carmo (7C)



Memory is a very curious ability that everyone has, some people use it better than others; however, everyone has it. According to Dictionary Reference online, “Memory is the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions or of recognizing previous experiences.”

What is smell?

     First, smell “Is the ability to perceive and distinguish odors” in agreement with the Medical Dictionary online. Smell can help us in many aspects, for example: we can smell when something is burning, and sometimes based on this we can save our lives and valuable possessions.

My personal experience with smell

     Second, in my life I’ve already had many different experiences with the sense of smell. For example: when I walked by the space close to the kinders, I remember when me and my friends would hide behind the bushes and laughed until the end of the play time, expecting that the teacher wouldn’t find us.


     Summing up, according to Sendip online, “the system which senses odors is vital to our lives” and I truly agree with this sentence and think smell is connected to memory in ways I didn´t know before, and I believe people should try to know more about the topic by studying it.







What is memory? And what is the relation between smell and memory? This you will discover in the following paragraphs, you will see how these two things can affect your life and other things you do

What is memory?

Memory is a human ability to “store” information that your brain received, it gives us the capability of learning things without forgetting them. Your memory can affect you, your mood, etc. Another element that can affect these aspects mentioned above is the sense of smell.

Memory linked to smell

According to Fifth Sense online, an organization that studies the sense of smell, “The sense of smell is closely linked to memory, probably more so than any of our other senses.” To confirm, a research was done. The conclusion of the research was that, after one year people can remember a scent or smell with 65% of accuracy, while a visual memory reduces to 50% after only a few months.

The science behind it

For those that want to know a little more about the science behind the sense of smell, the organs of the smell are small patches of olfactory cells in the nasal mucous membrane. One patch is located in each of the two main compartments of the back of the nose. The olfactory cells are connected to the brain by the first olfactory nerve.



Concluding, both the sense of smell and memory are crucial for our organism and one helps the other. It is so important because it can change our daily life. Imagine if you couldn´t smell what you were eating and you didn’t know if it was good or bad before tasting it, or if you eat a dish again without remembering that you don´t like it.



Smell and Memory – by Hugo C. (7C)

What are they?
Memory, conforming to Dictionary online, is “the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events or impressions.” And a scent can bring on a flood of memories, influence people’s moods and even affect their work performance.
In scientific papers, memory labels a diverse set of cognitive capacities by which we retain information and reconstruct past experiences, usually for present purposes. Also, memories can make us have fun with friends and family, and make us learn with ours and others’ mistakes, as reported by Plato Stanford online.
Regarding smell, it is an important sense as it can alert us to danger, like gas leak, fire or rotten food, but also closely linked to parts of the brain that process emotion and memory. Unpleasant and bad smells actually send pain signals to the brain to warn us of possible danger. So, smell is vital for the survival of most humans and animals, as it enables them to track food and water, find a mate and even communicate. Although our sense of smell is not as acute as in other animals, we know that humans are able to detect up to 10,000 different odor molecules, as stated in How Stuff Works online.
Memories with smells
Sometimes, we humans have memories because of smells that our own selves felt. Concerning a memory that I have in my school involving smell, it happened when I studied in years 4C and 5C, our classroom was above the restaurant. Some hours before lunch we could smell the food and some peoImage 1 - Smell and Memory Feature Articleple were also able to decipher what it was.
In conclusion, smell is crucial for our lives, it can warn us of danger and provide us memories that are also essential, because it will allow us to have fun and learn with ours or others mistakes. Moreover, they can work together and make marvelous things.


 http://health.howstuffworks.com/mental-health/human-nature/perception/smell3.htm
 http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/memory/
 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/memory
 http://www.air-aroma.com/blog/why-is-smell-important



Smell and Memories – By Jully K. (7C)

limbic systemSmelling a flower



In this text you will find the differences between smell and memory and why they are so important for us. Memory and smell are so different, and are so connected with each other, because memory is the ability to recall information of our past experiences and smell is something that affects us, something that stays on our mind because of the olfactory bulb, which is a component of a part of our brain called limbic system. The limbic system is associated with our memories and feelings, which moves with the part of our emotional brain.

Smell and memories

Concerning memory and smell, they are so important for us because they help us recall memories of our past.  Basically, scientists discovered that odorant molecules, which stay in the air, can activate several types of receptors in our noses, which affect our nerve cells to carry the message to the brain so it can analyze them.

The influence of smell on memories

Me, a year 7 student at Stance Dual School, will talk a little bit about the importance of smell and memories in our lives. A very important smell is the scent of perfume, because depending on the perfume, it reminds me of my father.  Another very important smell is the grass, which reminds me of school when it´s a sunny day, because it has a smooth smell. This smell is very sweet. It´s fantastic!


In conclusion, the sense of smell can remind us of a lot of different things, a smooth or a strong smell, a aqgood or a bad smell, etc. This is meaningful, because it affects our life, and without them the food would taste different and our memories would be limited. The smell is one of the most significant senses for us, because it activates some parts of our brain that could be unexplored.



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