What’s On

February 2, 2017 in Web Sites by Staff

What’s On

  • An assisted guide to what’s hot and what’s not in the City of São Paulo
  • Click this link to visit the site
  • The aim of this website is to produce a tour guide of the city of São Paulo by Year 9 students from Stance Dual School.

The public places were selected by the students and evaluated according to the quality of accessibility for people with special needs, IE, wheelchairs, audio visually impaired and people who require special dietary care.To this end, each student was responsible for research, evaluation and providing information regarding the locations of places such as cinemas, theaters, restaurants, museums, shopping malls, football stadiums, recreational centers and parks.The online survey was produced in the ICT classroom and “in situ” based on the technical norms of ABNT and also in theoretical studies in the course of science.

Sao Paulo receives a large number of domestic and international visitors, many of whom belong to the groups mentioned above and can benefit from the information in this guide.The venues selected by Year 9 students will not only give information about their locations, but also highlight features that make such places some of our students’ favorites. Most importantly, it brings opinions on whether the places here selected are prepared and/or adapted to cater for people with special needs. It is, in other words, an assisted guide to the City of São Paulo and will hopefully be of interest of the general public and the aforementioned people.Other than that, it contains some articles and videos produced by Year 9 students, the contents of which have been studied in the science program. This multidisciplinary project encompasses the contents of the course of science, ICT and matemática.